Supporting our Whānau.
An ancient Maori proverb echoed quietly in my ears as a gentle northeasterly breeze blew across the sun-drenched Te Arai Beach. I stole a moment away from the small gathering to acknowledge these spirits that were eloquently whispering “He tangata, He tangata, He tangata. It is people. It is people. It is people. ‘Ric Kayne”
The team at Tara Iti Golf Club are the ones who bring it all together and make everything work - the culture and the memories people take away from this unique experience are all down to the human factor that our dedicated team bring to their jobs. The happiness and dedication of our people speak eloquently for itself - and they continue to tell the world who we are.
Happiness is strongly associated with genuine friendship and the meaning that comes from doing something of value. What brings real happiness is a sense of earned success, busy hands, and the incomparable feeling that we are doing something to serve others and creating something we are proud of.
Tara Iti is a special place and it will continue to employ and support their wider whānau for future generations.

What our people are saying…
“Thank you to the Whānau Trust, the Tara Iti Members, and especially the Kaynes for your continued support”
— Tara Iti Caddie
“On behalf of myself and my family I would like to thank the Tara Iti Whānau Charitable Trust for their recent donation. Not only was the money vert much appreciated but also the sentiments behind it..”
- Tara Iti Employee
“I truly appreciate the support from the Tara Iti Whānau Charitable Trust throughout these uncertain times”
— Tara Iti Caddie
“I am just in receipt of your recent email, and can see that my bank account shows a deposited amount. I am very grateful for such assistance. It will greatly help me and my family throughout this difficult and uncertain time”
— Tara Iti Employee